Safety Program

“At Universal Seal Corp., safety is paramount in everything we do. Whether in the field, at a facility, or on the road, Universal’s employees are committed to ensuring we all return home safely every day, and at the same time reducing risk and loss for the company.” 


Safety is a core value for everyone within our company, on our job sites, and in our offices. We view safety as an important benefit for our employees, our partners and our clients. Universal’s Safety Vision is quite simple: No one gets hurt. To achieve that goal, Universal Seal has adopted a number of systems and programs that help our people recognize, understand, and act in appropriately. While training, safety policies and procedures are important, we also recognize that the key to success relies on the individual, the choices they make, but most importantly, why they do. To address the personal factors, we have made considerable investments in our safety program, which includes the Loss Prevention SystemTM (LPS), a behavior-based continuous improvement system that all of our employees participate in.

Reducing Risk

Our employees benefit because they can maintain a high quality of life, both at work and home.  While we know our clients work in challenging and sometimes hazardous environments, injuries and incidents can occur anywhere, at any time. Whether it’s a simple task in the office environment, or a complex task on a construction project, we’re reducing potential risks, making the job site as safe as possible for our people, our clients, and the community at large. Finally, our company benefits because at the end of the day, our employees are confident, our clients satisfied, and the job site is secure.

Attention and Accountability

LPS™ is the cornerstone to our safety program, driving continuous improvement throughout all aspects of our business. It gives us the structure and mechanisms to improve upon policies, procedures and daily activities. Our system provides immediate assessment and analysis, so we proactively reduce risk and eliminate
the root causes that lead to accidents. Our ongoing attention and stewardship makes each of us accountable to each other. Universal’s employee-owners take care of one another every day, on every project, allowing all of us to end our work day in the same condition we started it. And it enables us to proceed on our clients’ projects efficiently, confidently, and safely.